Friday, September 2, 2011

A new (nutty) trend is born!

Bored with the usual holiday? Why not try something more intense, exhausting and dangerous? How about enlisting in the Libyan rebel forces?

Bradley Hope, a reporter covering Libya’s uprising, writes in Abu Dhabi newspaper The National that he recently made a curious discovery near An Nawfaliyah: Chris Jeon, a 21-year old University of California–Los Angeles math student.

That’s Jeon in the picture above, very unsafely resting his rifle on the ground with the barrel pointed up while his new buddies crowd around. Spoiler: He doesn’t have any military experience...

Someone has too much time and money on his hands...
The Hope describes Jeon someone "who took a wrong turn on Their Way to the beach or the Santa Monica Pier," dressed in his jersey in LA the battlefield, Asking dudes If They Can Teach hin how to shoot an AK-47. Or Trying to - he does not speak Arabic. "I want to fight in Sirte! (WTF?!)

Jeon surely doesn’t mean any harm. And it’s not as if the Libyans he’s with are super-professional soldiers. But they’re fighting for their freedom and their lives. Jeon is taking a cavalier detour through their war, bringing along his video camera to pick up some “great footage.” Hopefully he won’t get himself or anyone hurt while he finishes up his war-zone road trip. 


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