Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Go for it Nutty!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Why are Cashew nuts so expensive?

Well actually, much of the work of processing the nuts is done by hand.

Let's check the process:
-The fruit falls off the tree.
-People pick up the fruit and twist off the nut.
-People put the nut in water for soaking.
-People lay out the nuts to be sun dried.
-People crack open every single nut individually. They use a machine that is powered by their hands and feet.
-People pick out the nut from the shell by hand.
-People remove the red skin from the nut with a knife.
-People season as they wish.



Thai Coconut curry


Nutela buys them on a regular basis and can't get enough of it!:)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

New Sun glasses edition! hipsters...

hey 1980s! i remember the bad guys on miami vice used to wear just that!

Akshad shows his moves

And that, ladies and gents, is why we have vasectomies...

Gotta hand it to him though... kid can dance, he does the worm, cartwheels and the splits...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Nuts in Myanmar

If only i could travel now...We invite you to take part in our dream...

Who said that adventure travel is just for one group of people who walk miles each day and sleep in tents? Premium Travel, distinguished from others by enclosing excellence. They are charming, comfortable, relaxing and exotic, totally unique. They allow travelers to enjoy the best of our world without missing anything.
This is a journey that combines adventure, culture and comfort to enjoy tranquility in this country of eternal joy and color. From a small group of participants we invite you to visit the Buddhist temples of calm and serenity of the landscapes.

In this mountainous country of jungles, vast tracts of teak forests, the rivers flow like Irawady beautiful and very fertile valleys which will take our trip.
We arrived in Rangoon, located in the river delta Irawady typical capital of Southeast Asia because of its tranquility and its environment that emphasizes the presence of the former British colonialism.

Rangoon is a fascinating city, we will have a glimpse into its magnificent temples and walk through its alleys and narrow streets to admire the Shwedagon pagoda, the so-called golden mystery to 2500 years old, enjoy the magic of a sunset in these stops is something that leaves us memories ...
Leaving Yangon, we headed to Mandalay, the city of gold, the last capital of the kings of Burma and the religious and cultural center of the country, we know their colorful temples, pagodas and Buddhist monasteries of nature over several visits.
Visit Bagan, one of the most important in terms of architectural Asia. Places like the caves of Pindaya with its thousand Buddhas, the floating gardens of Inle Lake, the extinct volcano of Mount Popa, the Golden Rock and a myriad of markets and Buddhist temples will be part of our journey.
Those who want to deepen their knowledge of the rich historical legacy of the temple of Angkor may opt for an unforgettable extension to Cambodia or relaxing Ngapali Beach - Myanmar.
And what about the price of this dream?
From Portugal (the country where I am writing) the price of travel by air is about 1300 . Such a program stands at around € 1900...jeez I think i'll back to bed now...

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bananas? rather not...

Avocado: Rich in vitamin E.

Pineapple: Vitamins C, B1 and A.

Orange: Rich in vitamin C.

Lemon: Vitamins C and B complex

Apple: Vitamins B1 and B2.

Papaya: Vitamins A, C and B complex

Passion Fruit: Vitamins A, C and B complex

Watermelon: Vitamins B complex, A and C.

Watermelon: Rich in vitamins A, C and B complex

Grape: Vitamins B complex and C.
Fruits provide us the energy and vitamins.In addition to energy and vitamins, fruits provide us with medicinal property...For instance:

Bananas:Vitamins A, B1, B2, C and ...WTF?!?!?!

Never eat more bananas in my life...

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Crazy awesome song

Hey guys! 
Check it out this song from Madeon! It's called Pop Culture.

The grocery bag part is hilarious!

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Extreme Train Surfing

I never found it very interesting the idea of doing ​​ParkourJumping from one set of stairs to a handrail smeared with fat, well to me, it doesn't seem to be exactly the smartest idea...
 However, if you're looking for a sport that brings together jumps, speed and danger, then you can always go to India and join the club of those nutty train pirates .. Now that's Adrenaline! And that's also a hell of a stylish way to lose an arm!

Friday, September 2, 2011

A new (nutty) trend is born!

Bored with the usual holiday? Why not try something more intense, exhausting and dangerous? How about enlisting in the Libyan rebel forces?

Bradley Hope, a reporter covering Libya’s uprising, writes in Abu Dhabi newspaper The National that he recently made a curious discovery near An Nawfaliyah: Chris Jeon, a 21-year old University of California–Los Angeles math student.

That’s Jeon in the picture above, very unsafely resting his rifle on the ground with the barrel pointed up while his new buddies crowd around. Spoiler: He doesn’t have any military experience...

Someone has too much time and money on his hands...
The Hope describes Jeon someone "who took a wrong turn on Their Way to the beach or the Santa Monica Pier," dressed in his jersey in LA the battlefield, Asking dudes If They Can Teach hin how to shoot an AK-47. Or Trying to - he does not speak Arabic. "I want to fight in Sirte! (WTF?!)

Jeon surely doesn’t mean any harm. And it’s not as if the Libyans he’s with are super-professional soldiers. But they’re fighting for their freedom and their lives. Jeon is taking a cavalier detour through their war, bringing along his video camera to pick up some “great footage.” Hopefully he won’t get himself or anyone hurt while he finishes up his war-zone road trip. 


Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Sweep the balls Vato loco!

Thumbs up if you noticed they only do subtitles for the "mexican" guy! LOL

I've just lost a foot! Damn!!

Police in Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) says it has been found a foot inside a running shoe. Its has been reported nearly a dozen cases of this kind since 2007...What hell??!

 So far there are no theories to explain the case now occurred in False Creek, which in recent years was repeated in various parts of the west coast of North America.
In such cases the authorities say apparently the foot separated naturally from the body, with no suspicion of gruesome acts (perfectly normal).

Most individuals are unidentified, but two feet were assigned to missing persons.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Better season your cucumber salad!

 “A team of researchers at the University of Beira Interior, Portugal, found coriander to be toxic to a broad range of harmful bacteria. In a study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology, the authors concluded that using coriander oil in foods and in clinical agents could prevent food-borne illnesses and even treat antibiotic-resistant infections.

The researchers tested coriander oil against 12 bacterial strains, including Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, Bacillus cereus and(MRSA). Of the tested strains, all showed reduced growth, and most were killed, by solutions containing 1.6% coriander oil or less.”

Interesting …

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Highway to...get drunk

The band AC/DC are releasing their own wine!
They've teamed up with Australian winery Warburn Estate for a national release of AC/DC The Wine.

AC/DC “The Wine” will be released in four products: “AC/DC Back in Black Shiraz” (dry red) “AC/DC You Shook Me All Night Long Moscato” (sweet white), “AC/DC Highway to Hell Cabernet Sauvignon” (dry red) and “AC/DC Hells Bells Sauvignon Blanc” (dry white).

For those about to get wasted..we salute you!!
 I still prefer to drink a beer while I listen to this song though...

Nut presents for your dad!

Often we wonder what gifts to give our parents. A book? A perfume? a tie? Let´s face it, that's boring ...Now here are some funny and creative ideas.

How about offering a mix of various beers? Combine with Abbeys lagers, with fruity flavors, Ale, Stout/porter... all in a basket for your dad...

Take for example this site:

This gift can fit any budget. With 10 , we can buy about 6 bottles, a nice paper bag and print the map with 6 points of destination. With larger budgets, we can also add the number of beers you want, related objects as a starter, pitcher / pitchers, manual dispenser, barrel etc ...

There are hundreds of varieties of beer and it is possible to make combinations of beer and put it in a basket, wrap and send to the birthday boy!

Why not to check the same idea for other products like wine, whisky or chocolate?

Another great idea is check some cool sites, like

On this website, you can get an array of gadgets, t-shirts, electronica and lots of cool stuff.
I never get tired of seeing the things these guys have over there ..
(for instance)

Whisky stones (Keeps your drink cold without watering it down)

Zombie Blood Caffeinated Energy Potion is loaded with iron, protein, electrolytes, and other fancy things to have the same nutrients and consistency of real blood. (not every father will like this item though)
Blood-stained shower curtain and bath mat
(fake blood, right?)

Tissue box shaped like a Tiki head

Well you can always buy the "Slumber in the belly of the beast" for you dad!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

From Well to Hell!

Seems that in Germany cucumbers have claimed the life 15 people and thousands are falling ill. This vegetable originated in India is the reason for the disease which has been name E. Coli. Germans have been warned not to eat cucumbers until tests recognize the source of this deadly bacteria. You must be nuts if you are even considering making this greek recipe! ;)

Ingredients1 cucumber, peeled, seeded and, grated
1 t.s. Salt
2 cups of thick, Greek-style yogurt
1/2 lemon, juice only
1-2 cloves Garlic, minced
1/4 cup Olive oil

Method: In a large bowl, toss the cucumber with the salt and set aside for 5-10 minutes. Squeeze the cucumber to get rid of excess moisture.
Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl with the cucumber and stir together until well blended.
Adjust seasoning and serve well chilled as an appetizer with bread or pita, or as a sauce for souvlaki, gyros or other roasted meats.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Don't get nuts about it...!

Can you say “Hello” in Chinese? Yes, you can - just say “ni hao (你好)”. Can you say “How are you?” in Chinese? Yes, you can - just say “ni hao ma? (你好吗)”. Many people believe Mandarin Chinese is a difficult language. Guess what...they are right!
I'll share with you an interesting quotation:“Chinese Mandarin is Easy — Comparing Its Difficulty with Japanese, German, and Spanish“, by Mike Wright. :P

Most Chinese people will cheerfully acknowledge that their language is hard, maybe the hardest on earth (many are even proud of this, in the same way some New Yorkers are actually proud of living in the most expensive city in America). According to a survey conducted by the Chinese Ministry of Education and Language Commission you need to know about 1,000 Chinese characters to be able to read 90% of current Chinese publications. This fact is really getting me nuts! Can I do it...? In a near future...?

(At least I already know how to write Nut...坚果)

Well actually, spoken Chinese is easier to learn than you might think. Chinese grammar is simple in comparison with European languages. There are no inflections, cases, genders, or declensions. Chinese has little or no bound morphology and there are no grammatical rules to memorize. Each word has a fixed and single form: verbs do not take prefixes or suffixes showing the tense or the person, number, or gender of the subject. Nouns do not take prefixes or suffixes showing their number or their case.

Now, you can see that is a big decision whether or not to start your Chinese study. I've decided to go for it. Good luck Nutela with your Chinese challenge! Hope you don't find this nut too hard to crack...

Sad Kermit

Kermit plays Nine Inch Nails 's song Hurt.
No matter how depressed you may  feel  Nut, Sad Kermit is always more depressed then you are...

An ode to all the nut crackers in the world.

Here is a tribute to our collaborator Nutcracker. Enjoy!

That Jamaica reggae sounds nuts

I’ve always found Toots and the Maytals as one of the most groovy ska/reggae/soul/gospel/rock bands of ever, not to say that, they were an influence to others (of my favourite) bands such as Bob Marley and The Wailers, The Specials or even Sublime.

What can you say about classics such as “Funky Kingston”, “Pressure drop” or “54-46 was my number”?

Still sounds so good after these years…

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cats are going nuts for this game

Yesterday i saw this new Ipad game for cats…I thought it would be just another absurd idea, but after watching some videos on Youtube, I realized then, that this would be an interesting and useful domestic tool.

It makes perfect sense, for those who have cats, whether they are too energetic or too obese (like the one my girlfriend has – Blitz is his name). 

 Just imagine, cats that are full of beans to sit still will get tired in no time (well it will take a while, or until, the Ipad battery ran out), and the obese ones, will eventually ( yes a very remotely “Eventually”) lose weight... It's like having an imaginary friend wih a laser pointer always available to diddle with your pet.

And don’t think this is just an ordinary standard iPad game with mices running around the screen, no! This game was created "based on research of cats' senses and how they react to different stimuli... Hmm, really??

But does this game have any use for the Human Being itself? Nope… This game is exclusively for cats. They developed a game to cats, so mind your own business you Human. You are only allowed to watch whilst  your cat is doing dumb things in your Ipad.

I am not a particularly cat fan, but I must admit that this crazy fast action packed game, will keep your cat (and your guests) entertained for hours. As you will see the video below, this game is having  a lot of success among geeky felines (of various sizes).

Monday, May 23, 2011

You must be nuts! El Guincho? Really?

Ok, some months back I was listening to my favorite radio, Radar 97.8, and they started playing this weird sound, which to me sounded like mix between a Enrique Iglesias voice with the flu and some Jamaican steel drums, with some (well they’re not really that bad) weird rhythms.
My first thought was that Dr. Pedro Ramos had lost it, once and for all...

Many months later, they’re still playing that nasal sound from hell and people enjoy it...Anyways here’s a song from El Guincho that I leave to your consideration.

PS. El Guincho means squeal, shriek…

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Nut on burns..(inhale slowly)...(pray to God)...hmm delicious!!!

 Have you ever tasted wasabi?

Wasabi is commonly mixed with soy sauce to make a dipping sauce for sushi and sashimi. The best way to enjoy wasabi is to apply wasabi after dipping into soy sauce or apply wasabi to the top of the fish and then dip the bottom into soy sauce.

Sushi chefs usually put the wasabi between the fish and the rice. As far as I am concerned, i can eat it with a spoon, almost like a fat kid eats candy…
(the root itself)

Tasting wasabi (in the sushi restaurants) it’s like stabbing two flaming sticks through the nostrils until reaches the brain. It’s so addictive… although is very strong, the hot flavour dissipates within a few seconds and leaves no burning aftertaste in one's mouth.
I didn’t know that wasabi was used in so many products...There even exists a wasabi cheese and wasabi cup cakes... who knew that was even possible?

Wasabi Ice Cream
Wasabi Cupcake
Wasabi Cheese

Wasabi Peanuts
Wasabi Peas

Wasabi KitKat
Wasabi Pringles
Wasabi "The" Cat

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Today’s recipe is about one of the most famous type of baked food – Pretzels. This knot-like shaped food is unique and widely known around the World. Pretzels come in different sizes, but only in one shape. I guess the best thing about it is that for seasoning and decoration you can use various seeds or NUTS!!


- 1 1/2 cups tepid water
- 1 tablespoon sugar
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt
- 1 package active dry yeast
- 4 1/2 cups all-purpose flour,

- 1 tablespoon of unsalted butter, melted
- Vegetable oil, for pan
- 10 cups water
- 2/3 cup baking soda
- 1 large egg yolk beaten with 1 tablespoon water
- Pretzel salt


Combine the water, sugar and kosher salt in the bowl of a stand mixer and sprinkle the yeast on top. Allow to sit for 5 minutes or until the mixture begins to foam. Add the flour and butter and, using the dough hook attachment, mix on low speed until well combined. Change to medium speed and knead until the dough is smooth and pulls away from the side of the bowl, approximately 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the dough from the bowl, clean the bowl and then oil it well with vegetable oil. Return the dough to the bowl, cover with plastic wrap and sit in a warm place for approximately 50 to 55 minutes or until the dough has doubled in size.

Preheat the oven to 450 degrees F. Line 2 half-sheet pans with parchment paper and lightly brush with the vegetable oil. Set aside.
Bring the 10 cups of water and the baking soda to a rolling boil in an 8-quart saucepan or roasting pan.

In the meantime, turn the dough out onto a slightly oiled work surface and divide into 8 equal pieces. Roll out each piece of dough into a 24-inch rope. Make a U-shape with the rope, holding the ends of the rope, cross them over each other and press onto the bottom of the U in order to form the shape of a pretzel. Place onto the parchment-lined half sheet pan.

Place the pretzels into the boiling water, 1 by 1, for 30 seconds. Remove them from the water using a large flat spatula. Return to the half sheet pan, brush the top of each pretzel with the beaten egg yolk and water mixture and sprinkle with the pretzel salt. Bake until dark golden brown in color, approximately 12 to 14 minutes. Transfer to a cooling rack for at least 5 minutes before serving.