Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cats are going nuts for this game

Yesterday i saw this new Ipad game for cats…I thought it would be just another absurd idea, but after watching some videos on Youtube, I realized then, that this would be an interesting and useful domestic tool.

It makes perfect sense, for those who have cats, whether they are too energetic or too obese (like the one my girlfriend has – Blitz is his name). 

 Just imagine, cats that are full of beans to sit still will get tired in no time (well it will take a while, or until, the Ipad battery ran out), and the obese ones, will eventually ( yes a very remotely “Eventually”) lose weight... It's like having an imaginary friend wih a laser pointer always available to diddle with your pet.

And don’t think this is just an ordinary standard iPad game with mices running around the screen, no! This game was created "based on research of cats' senses and how they react to different stimuli... Hmm, really??

But does this game have any use for the Human Being itself? Nope… This game is exclusively for cats. They developed a game to cats, so mind your own business you Human. You are only allowed to watch whilst  your cat is doing dumb things in your Ipad.

I am not a particularly cat fan, but I must admit that this crazy fast action packed game, will keep your cat (and your guests) entertained for hours. As you will see the video below, this game is having  a lot of success among geeky felines (of various sizes).

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