Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The abnormal case of constant PMS (No nuts required)

Much has been said about the PMS, it’s a widely studied syndrome, which has a whole lot of unpleasant effects both on the women who have it and the people with whom they share the same room.
But enough said about that, what brings us here today is the PMS continuous state of mind, a great illness of our days that is showing an accentuated growth.
People suffering from prolonged PMS tend to speak in strange tones of voice and to babble incomprehensible things to most mortals.
As other great illnesses this one also does not have a cure. The only thing that is known to mankind that will stop this disease, and stop the people who have it of infecting others (just like zombies), is a big bash in their heads with some blunt object.
According to the prolonged PMS lore, there is one known way of eradicating this evil from the world, which is killing subject zero. No one knows who this person is, but it is rumoured to be someone who has seen little to no sex in its life time, who lurks near the Amoreiras Shopping Center in Portugal.
In case you know more useful information about patient zero please let us know.

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